Honorary Past Presidents

By resolution of the Executive Committee of the IFCN, any person who has rendered important services to the Federation or contribution to the field of clinical neurophysiology may be appointed an Honorary Fellow of the Federation by the Member Societies when a quorum is achieved. All past Presidents of the Federation are Honorary Past Presidents of the Federation. All Honorary Fellows and Honorary Past Presidents hold such title for life and are entitled to attend all International Congresses without paying registration fees.

The IFCN is proud to recognize our Honorary Past Presidents and Honorary Fellows here.

Honorary Past Presidents

  • Herbert Jasper* 1947–1953, Montreal, Canada
  • W. Grey Walter* 1953–1957, Bristol, United Kingdom
  • Henri Gastaut* 1957–1961, Marseilles, France
  • Mary A.B. Brazier* 1961–1965, Los Angeles, United States
  • Antoine Re´mond* 1965–1969, Paris, France
  • Cosimo Ajmone Marsan* 1969–1973, Bethesda, United States
  • William Cobb* 1973–1977, London, United Kingdom
  • Robert Naquet* 1977–1981, Paris, France
  • Robert J. Ellingson* 1981–1985, Omaha, United States
  • John E. Desmedt* 1985–1990, Brussels, Belgium
  • Jun Kimura* 1990–1993, Kyoto, Japan
  • Carl Lucking* 1993–1997, Freiburg, Germany
  • Marc Nuwer 1997–2001, Los Angeles, United States
  • Francois Mauguiere 2001–2006, Lyon, France
  • Hiroshi Shibasaki* 2006–2010, Kyoto, Japan
  • Paolo R. Rossini 2010–2014, Rome, Italy
  • Mark Hallett 2014–2018, Bethesda, United States
  • Walter Paulus 2018–2022, Munich, Germany


Honorary Fellows

  • Edgar Douglas Adrian* (Lord Adrian of Cambridge) Cambridge, United Kingdom
  • Frederic Bremer* Brussels, Belgium
  • Fritz Buchthal* Copenhagen, Denmark
  • David Burke Sydney, Australia
  • Gastone Celesia Chicago, United States
  • William Cobb* Beaulieu, United Kingdom
  • Hallowell Davis* St. Louis, United States
  • Reinhard Dengler Hannover, Germany
  • John Desmedt* Brussels, Belgium
  • Andy Eisen Vancouver, Canada
  • Robert Ellingson* Omaha, United States
  • Henri Gastaut* Marseilles, France
  • Pierre Gloor* Montreal, Canada
  • Mario Gozzano* Rome, Italy
  • Mark Hallett Bethesda, United States
  • Herbert Jasper* Montreal, Canada
  • Jun Kimura* Kyoto, Japan
  • Edward Lambert* Minneapolis, United States
  • Horace Magoun* Los Angeles, United States
  • Giuseppe Moruzzi* Pisa, Italy
  • Robert Naquet* Paris, France
  • Wilder Penfield* Montreal, Canada
  • Antoine Re´mond* Paris, France
  • Yasuo Shimazono* Tokyo, Japan
  • Erik Stälberg Uppsala, Sweden
  • Willem Storm van Leeuwen* Bilthoven, Netherlands
  • Naosaburo Yoshii* Hyogo, Japan
