Education Special Interest Group

The Education Special Interest Group (SIG) was established in 2018 with the aims of improving education and training in clinical neurophysiology and providing a platform for individual members to contribute to Education-themed programs.

The activities within the SIG are working in parallel with the newly established IFCN Education Committee.


The activities of the SIG in Education are to:

  • reach out to individual members for suggestions on unmet educational topics of interest for online initiatives
  • encourage and provide a platform for other like-minded organizations to collaborate in educational activities
  • survey and help address the education and training unmet needs of member societies
  • facilitate in the development of broadly similar curricula and examination in national societies/chapters
  • actively involve trainees in its membership and educational activities
  • organise education-themed seminars and courses at IFCN-endorsed meetings and Congress
  • advocate for mentorship and partnership programs
  • encourage feedback from individual members on existing and future Educational activities

Membership is open to all members of the IFCN. The SIG will use the IFCN Community Hub for continuous updates and feedback with email communication as necessary.

SIG meetings

When possible, physical meetings with a program will be held during the biennial ICCN. Educational SIG programs are also encouraged at individual Chapter meetings and National society meetings. Expression of interests for the latter can be made to the IFCN Executive Office at