IFCN has 68 Societies in 65 Countries with over 20,000 members representing the field of Clinical Neurophysiology. Partnership with our society members is the pinnacle of IFCN’s global activities. We welcome your society to join our global network.
By becoming a society of IFCN, you will become a part of one of the four Chapters: Asia-Oceania Chapter; Europe, Middle East, African Chapter; Latin American Chapter; North American Chapter. As a society, you will have the opportunity to collaborate with those in your own society as well as others across the globe. You will also be able to connect at yearly regional congresses, and the international congress bi-annually. For more information, please complete this pre-application:
IFCN Member Society Pre-Application Form
Legally constituted clinical neurophysiology, epilepsy, neuromuscular, EEG and other related-discipline societies and specialized sections, or groups in those disciplines in regions in which there is no society, are eligible to become Societal Members of ICNS.
In order to process your application, you must submit the following documents:
New Society Membership Application (.dotx)
Once all these documents have been received in good order, they are processed by the IFCN Executive Secretariat and presented to the IFCN General Assembly for ratification. Should your application be received between World Congresses, it will be reviewed by the IFCN Executive Committee, who can grant interim society membership in IFCN until the next General Assembly meeting.
The membership fees in IFCN are calculated according to the number of members of each society (i.e. a fee of $4.00 USD per member per year).
For more information, please contact the IFCN Executive Director:
555 E. Wells Street, Suite 1100
Milwaukee, WI 53202
+1 414 918-9816