Young Neurophysiologists Network (YNN)


The YNN is an initiative of the IFCN Education Committee founded in 2022 whose objective is to develop a global network of young clinical neurophysiologists to promote the mission and goals of the IFCN. YNN's vision is to advocate for the interests of young clinical neurophysiologists within the framework of IFCN activities and increase networking opportunities within our young clinicians. It is intended as a platform where young neurophysiologists can exchange ideas, initiate collaboration, and contribute to the training in and advancement of clinical neurophysiology.

The main criteria is that you must be under the age of 40 years and that you must be a member in good standing in one an IFCN member societies

If you are interested in becoming a member of YNN, please the complete the following Application and submit to
Please indicate your age and affiliation with an IFCN society when applying.

If you are a current member of YNN and have an interest in serving on the committee to aid in overall management of YNN through taking part in a subcommittee role. Interested applicants, please complete the Application and submit by February 20, 2025.

YNN Activities 

We were delighted to organize and participate in activities at ICCN 2024, Jakarta, Indonesia on behalf of the Young Neurophysiologists Network (YNN). We actively participated in the congress and helped to create a communicative atmosphere of exchange and networking for young colleagues. Many YNN members presented posters.

Among our activities at the congress, we would like to highlight the following.

Individual YNN Booth

The prominent YNN booth served as a "hub" for young colleagues during the Congress. The booth tremendously increased YNN's visibility helped promote our activities throughout congress by providing a central space for exchange. The booth served as an important point for introducing new members to YNN and facilitate membership inquiries.

Lunch With an Expert Event

In this newly introduced format, experienced professionals met young colleagues which facilitated roundtable discussions, answering questions and offering advice. In total, we held a total of eight events with more than ten speakers, including IFCN Executive Committee members during breaks at the YNN booth. The topics covered the basics about the purpose and structure of the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology, the standards of journal editing to ensure the highest qualified manuscripts. Feedback from attendees was to continue this event in the future.

YNN Social Gathering and Networking events

A YNN social gathering was held during the ICCN opening ceremony, providing an opportunity for networking and community-building among young neurophysiologists.

Committee members participated in the ICCN Gala dinner, which offered additional opportunities for networking and socializing with fellow members of IFCN. The YNN delivered a presentation at the IFCN General Assembly, summarizing the committee's activities over the past two years, which included key initiatives and events such as ECCN 2023, ICCN 2024 and YNN global survey.

We would like to express our appreciation to Prof. Hatice Tankisi , Prof. Margitta Seeck and Prof. Walter Paulus, for their kind support and participating in the Lunch with the Experts.

Future Activities

 Chat with the Experts- YNN members will have a chance to engage in a live question and answer session with a senior clinical neurophysiologist. The date will be announced soon!

Have a paper to discuss? Send the content to and it will be posted on the YNN Community blog.

YNN Activities - ICCN Jakarta, Indonesia - September 10-14, 2024
YNN Activities - ICCN Jakarta, Indonesia - September 10-14, 2024
YNN Activities - ICCN Jakarta, Indonesia - September 10-14, 2024

Committee Members

Giulia Attard Navarro: Co -Chair (UK)
Gerardo Quinones: Co-Chair (Mexico)
Daniel Massi (Cameroon)
George Plummer (USA)
Katherine Zarroli (USA)
Mariana Costa (Portugal)
Orsi Gyorfi (Hungary)
Si-Lei Fong (Malaysia)