ISNMI (IFCN Society of Neuromuscular Imaging) is comprised of clinicians and researchers from six continents. A wide range of specialties is represented, including neurology, radiology, physiatry, rheumatology, orthopedic surgery and many more. Our academic interest centers on integration of imaging into the clinical and neurophysiologic assessment of peripheral nerve and muscle diseases. ISNMI conducts an annual course and conference for the presentation of research, didactics and to provide hands-on training in neuromuscular ultrasound techniques. ISNMI (IFCN Society of Neuromuscular Imaging) is the former ISNMI (International Society of Neuromuscular Imaging) and ISPNI (International Society of Peripheral Neurophysiological Imaging).
The ISNMI is a society dedicated to teaching and advancing knowledge and skills in the field of neuromuscular imaging. We believe these techniques are a valuable addition to this field. Our aim is to facilitate the implementation and use of nerve and muscle ultrasound, MRI and other imaging techniques, in every part of the world that has practitioners involved in the diagnosis, treatment and research of patients with neuromuscular disorders.
This will be a unique two-day workshop with international experts giving scan demonstrations and hands-on instruction.
Canadian Experts:
Dr. Shahin Khayambashi – Co-organizer (University of British Columbia)
Dr. Grayson Beecher – Co-organizer (University of Alberta)
Dr. Omar Khan (McMaster)
Dr. Theo Mobach (University of Calgary)
International Experts:
Dr. Nens Van Alfen (Radboud University)
Dr. Lisa Hobson-Webb (Duke University)
Dr. Sarada Sakamuri (Stanford University)
Dr. Andea Boon (Mayo Clinic)
Dr. Monika Krzesniak-Swinarska (University of Colorado)
This workshop is immediately preceding the Canadian Neurological Sciences Federation (CNSF) annual congress from June 9-12, 2025
Registration for ISNMI2025 will open in March simultaneously with the CNSF annual congress. Although attending the congress after the workshop is encouraged, it is not mandatory. The registration cost for the workshop will be 400$ CAD.
ICCN2024 in Jakarta, Indonesia: looking back on a very successful course & conference!
Dear friends and colleagues,
Having just arrived home after a very busy but really enjoyable week in Jakarta, I think the IFCN Society of Neuromuscular Imaging can reflect on a successful first integrated neuromuscular ultrasound course and conference during the ICCN2024 event!
We started off with a full day of dedicated nerve and muscle ultrasound talks, live demos, and hands-on workshops for over 60 very enthusiastic participants on Tuesday September 11th. Thanks to the generous support of the Cadwell team we had 5 scanning stations, and an international team of experts to help the attendees get acquainted with the techniques.
The ISNMI team, with Drs. Vanessa Baute Penry, Rivan Danuaji, Stephan Goedee, Byung-Jo Kim, Mingsheng Liu, Ana Lucila Moreira, Eman Tawfik and yours truly, had a wonderful day doing what they love best, and show the possibilities, limitations, and value of neuromuscular ultrasound for neurology and PM&R practice.
Big thanks to the local organizers Drs. Fitri Octaviana and Adrian Harsono, to Kim Zaiss and her team at IFCN headquarters, and to all the fantastic people at Cadwell including Anita Kharbteng, Abe Gardner, and Michal Holub for their support.
We look forward to seeing you at our next joined event, which will be part of the 2025 CNSF in Ottawa (for details visit!
On behalf of the ISNMI Board,
Prof. Nens van Alfen MD PhD
ISNMI President
President: Nens van Alfen, MD, PhD
Department of Neurology and Clinical Neurophysiology
Clinical Neuromuscular Imaging Group,
Radboudumc Center of Expertise for Neuromuscular Disorders
Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour
Radboud University Medical Center
Nijmegen, the Netherlands
Founding President: Luca Padua, MD, PhD
Department of Geriatrics and Orthopedics
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
High Intensity Neurorehabilitation Unit
Department of Neuroscience, Head and Neck,
Ophtalmology and Thoracic Diseases
Fondazione Policlinico Universitario Agostino Gemelli IRCCS
Rome, Italy
Past President: Simon Podnar, MD, DSc
Medical Director, Division of Neurology
University Medical Centre Ljubljana
Ljubljana, Slovenia
2023 Meeting Organizer – General secretary: Ana Lucila Moreira, MD
Hospital das Clínicas FMUSP - University of São Paulo,
Department of Neuromuscular Diseases and
Department of Peripheral Nerve Surgery
CENEC - Clinical Neurophysiology, Campinas - SP
Neurolum Institute - São Paulo – SP
Treasurer: Michael Cartwright, MD
Wake Forest School of Medicine,
Department of Neurology,
Winston-Salem, North Carolina, USA
Education Program Leader: David Preston, MD
Neurological Institute,
University Hospitals - Cleveland Medical Center
Case Western Reserve University,
Cleveland, Ohio, USA
Research Program Leader: Lisa Hobson-Webb, MD
Duke University School of Medicine,
Department of Neurology
Durham, North Carolina, USA
The ISNMI Website Manager: Monika Krzesniak-Swinarska, MD
Visiting Professor of PM&R, Electrodiagnostic and Neuromuscular Medicine
Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Department of Neurology
University of Colorado School of Medicine, Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora,Colorado, USA